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Spiritual Healing

Experience the gentle yet profound transformation of spiritual healing at The OM Yoga Loft. Through modalities like Reiki, Sound Healing, Meditation, Breathwork and Tarot Card Readings, discover a sanctuary for inner peace and holistic well-being. Embrace the journey towards healing, empowerment, and spiritual renewal as you awaken to your highest potential.

Image by Milada Vigerova

Sound Healing

Embrace the harmonious vibrations of sound healing, a nurturing practice that supports individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Safe and gentle, sound healing offers a tranquil sanctuary for those seeking relaxation and stress reduction. Through soothing sounds and vibrations, it fosters a profound connection with yourself and your surroundings. Sound healing eases physical discomforts, calms the mind, and enhances overall well-being, empowering you to navigate life's transformative journeys with grace and tranquillity.

Dowsing Pendulum over Tarot

Meditation + Breathwork

Dive into the serene depths of meditation and breathwork where inner peace and tranquillity await. Guided by ancient wisdom, meditation offers a sacred space to quiet the mind, cultivate mindfulness, and tap into your inner essence. With each breath, you embark on a journey inward, releasing tension and fostering a deep sense of presence and clarity. Breathwork, a powerful practice of conscious breathing, invites you to explore the rhythm of your breath, unlocking profound healing and renewal. Together, meditation and breathwork harmonize body, mind, and spirit, offering a pathway to inner balance and self-discovery. Experience the transformative power of these practices as you journey towards a life of greater calm, vitality, and inner harmony.


Experience the serene embrace of Reiki, a safe and gentle practice that nurtures individuals of all walks of life. Whether you're expecting a new arrival, navigating the beautiful journey of motherhood, or simply seeking inner peace and balance, Reiki offers a soothing sanctuary. It alleviates stress, promotes relaxation, and fosters a deep sense of connection with yourself and those around you. With its gentle touch and energy balancing, Reiki eases physical discomforts and soothes emotional fluctuations, empowering you to embrace each moment with serenity and strength.

Image by Conscious Design

Card Readings

Discover the profound insights and guidance offered by tarot and oracle card readings, a gentle and insightful practice for individuals from all walks of life. Whether you're navigating the journey of parenthood, seeking clarity and guidance in life, or simply curious about the mysteries of the cards, these readings provide a safe and supportive space for introspection and reflection. By tapping into the intuitive messages of the cards, you can gain valuable insights, clarity, and empowerment to navigate life's beautiful complexities with confidence and assurance. Whether you're facing uncertainties or seeking guidance on your path, tarot and oracle readings offer a transformative experience to unlock the wisdom within and embrace life's journey with clarity and purpose.

Image by Ksenia Makagonova
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