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Class Styles 

There is always something for everyone, here at The OM Yoga Loft we encourage you to try as many classes as possible!

Yoga Mates

Discover solace in our Yoga for Busy Mums class, tailored to fit seamlessly into your hectic schedule. Reclaim balance and vitality with zen flows and nurturing poses, designed specifically for the demands of motherhood. Embrace a supportive community of fellow mums as you find moments of calm amidst the chaos. Suitable for all levels, this class offers a sanctuary for mothers to prioritize self-care and reconnect with themselves


Midday Zen Yoga

Take a break from your busy day and rejuvenate with a 45-minute lunchtime session. Dive into relaxation techniques and simple yoga poses, leaving you refreshed and centered for the rest of your day. Suitable for all ages and all levels.

Image by Patrick Hendry

Unwind under the moon's glow with a tranquil evening practice. This 60-minute class blends gentle movements with calming breathwork, offering a soothing escape from the day's stresses and promoting deep relaxation. Suitable for all ages and all levels. 

Pregnancy Yoga

Nurture your body and bond with your baby in this specialized class. Tailored for expectant mothers, these 60-minute sessions focus on gentle stretches, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques to support a healthy pregnancy and prepare for childbirth. Suitable from the second trimester onwards (14 weeks). 

Babies and Yoga

Mum + Bubs Yoga (coming soon)

Nurture your bond with your baby in our specialized class. Tailored for new mums, these 60-minute sessions focus on gentle stretches, breathing, and relaxation. Bring your babies and practice yoga together in this session. Open to mums with babies from 6 weeks to 1 year old. Mums who had c-sections can join from 12 weeks postpartum.

Yoga at Home_edited.jpg

Sink into stillness and find balance in this slow-paced practice. Targeting deep connective tissues, each 60-minute class incorporates long-held poses to release tension and promote flexibility, leaving you feeling grounded and restored. Suitable for all ages and all levels. 

Image by Anton Shuvalov

Restorative Yoga w/ Yoga Nidra (coming soon)

Experience the profound relaxation of our Restorative Yoga class, followed by the deeply restorative practice of Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a guided meditation technique that induces deep relaxation while remaining fully awake and aware. It promotes healing, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. Suitable for everyone, this combination of practices offers a rejuvenating escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life

Lotus Meditation Pose

Centre your weekend with a serene Saturday Meditation, Yoga + Tea session! Immerse yourself in 60 minutes of tranquil yoga, designed to calm your mind. Following the session, savour a complimentary cup of tea. Suitable for all ages and experience levels. Please check the timetable, monthly event.

Dancer in Sunset

Sacred Shakti: Ignite Your Inner Womban (coming soon)

Embark on a transformative journey with our Kundalini-inspired Shakti Flow class, where you'll connect deeply with your divine feminine essence. Through a fusion of yogic dance and deep breathing techniques, ignite the fire within and awaken your inner woman. Experience a harmonious blend of movement and meditation, designed to unleash your inner power and grace. Join us as we honour the sacred energy of the divine feminine and embrace the fullness of our being. For WOMEN only. (Location TBA)

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